- I played ice hockey in high school and still play occasionally
- I cry at pretty much every musical, even the happy ones
- I love camping and being in the woods
- I am scared of the dark. This makes #3 difficult sometimes
- There is a published book in the world with a photo of me sitting on the potty
- Gryffindor
- Montreal, Paris, New York, Rome — not sure which is my favorite city. (Okay, I lie. Paris. Always Paris)
- My motto: Death before dishonor. Nothing before coffee
- I was smelling a sock, trying to figure out if it had been washed, when I got the call that my book sold
- My cats regularly fall out the windows of our house. They are fine if you were worried
- Math is really hard for me

10 Random Facts About Me
5 Even More Random Facts About Me
Five Even MORE Random Facts About Me:
- Whenever I do school visits and someone takes photos, I appear to be imitating a blowfish. Seriously...not sure why but I do.
- One of my cats is obsessed with being IN or UNDER. He'd be great in that Sesame Street segment on prepositions.*
- I reread books...like, twenty, thirty, fifty times. Ask me how many times I've read Anne of Green Gables. Go on, ask me. (Actually don't...I have no idea. But A LOT).
- I used to bite my sister when we were little and got into fights. In my defense I'm three years younger and was much smaller. I once got a tee shirt that said "Jaws" on the back.**
- I love to sing and will do so at any opportunity, to the occasional chagrin of my kids.***
*An example of the cat who likes to be IN. I made him take his head out for the photo.
** We mostly got along really well. See?
***If you don't know what "chagrin" means, look it up. I might mean "total delight" but then again, it might not.