#PubforPR Auction, or How to Help Puerto Rico When Everything is Terrible

The amazing writer Anne Lamott once described donating money as the drive-by way of feeling better fast. And it’s true…when I have no time, and cannot fathom what to do, donating even a small amount to a classroom or local nonprofit can make me feel better.

But right now in Puerto Rico, the amount of help needed feels overwhelming, and no matter what I give, it doesn’t feel like enough.

That’s why I was so grateful when a group of amazing publishing folks let me jump in and help them with an ENORMOUS auction they’re putting together. So many authors, agents, editors, and illustrators have connections to Puerto Rico, and their worries and fears for their loved ones propelled them to action. And like most good deeds, this one has snowballed into something amazing.

Usually entering data in a spreadsheet or checking links on a website doesn’t thrill me, but in this case it really did. Because the outpouring of generosity, the truly tremendous number of high-level editors, literary agents, bestselling authors, and others who desperately want to give, to donate, to help…well, it is like balm to my soul.

So for the past several days I’ve been watching this thing grow, and now it’s happening. And I’m here to say, IT’S FREAKING AWESOME.

  • If you’re an aspiring writer or illustrator, you can bid on one-on-one editor or agent phone calls, full manuscript critiques and even a free pass into the editorial meeting at a big publishing house
  • If you’re a teacher or educator you can bid on classroom sets of signed books and Skype visits with beloved authors
  • If you’re an author and need publicity help or headshots you can bid on professional photographs or swag design
  • If you’re a mega-fan of some of today’s hottest Young Adult authors you can win signed books and swag
  • And much, much more!

There are literally over 250 prizes that range from the opportunity to be flown to New York to meet with an entire literary agency, to original artwork by award-winning artists, to hundreds of chances to get professional feedback on your writing.

And all of it directly benefits Puerto Rico. After carefully researching and vetting different charities, the donations will go to Unidos por Puerto Rico and ConPRmetidos. No money comes to us, but instead you donate directly and forward receipt of donation to claim your prize. There’s even a special raffle for anyone who wants to donate without bidding, (or donate even if they get outbid).

Read all about the #PubforPR auction here, and bookmark your favorite items so you can be ready to bid starting tomorrow. And please help spread the word…the more people share and support and bid and donate, the more help goes to those who so desperately need it.

So please, share widely with your friends, family, colleagues, and community. And let’s bring the power of storytelling together for Puerto Rico, where they so desperately need a happier ending.



P.S. Here’s a video by the amazing Lily Meade, telling you all about it:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lylApQmuXy0?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en-US&autohide=2&wmode=transparent&w=560&h=315]