It’s Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a holiday that far too often is seen as just a day off, a day when you don’t have to set the alarm, don’t have to rush off to work or school. Far too often it’s a day when folks post one of Dr. King’s most famous quotes, usually […]


I love summer. I love reading. I love reading in the summer…on porches, nestled on the couch with a fan blowing on me, in a hammock, on the beach…you name it. But I don’t always love Summer Reading. You know, kids often say it like it’s just one word…summerreading. As in, “UGH. I have to […]


I need to tell a story about a horrible thing that led to a lovely thing. I recently participated in an online auction called Authors For Grenfell, which was created to raise funds for the victims of the horrible fire in London. One of the items available to bid on was the chance to name […]


Almost four years ago, in October 2010, I exchanged emails with another writer I found on the Absolute Write writers forums. For those who don’t know, the Absolute Write online forums are a huge and helpful, if slightly daunting resource, for aspiring writers. Whether you’re writing picture books or poetry, memoirs or thrillers, that website […]


This quote below from wildly crazily best-selling author Rick Riordan is ALL KINDS OF RIGHT. (His newest book, House of Hades, is the latest in the gods of Olympus/Percy Jackson series. If by some odd chance you haven’t heard of him or his books, learn more here. I’m currently  navigating the wild world of Middle […]


This could almost work as Monday Book Love, because I really enjoyed Mike Mullin‘s book ASHFALL. It is a very cool premise: a normal fifteen-year-old boy Alex is home alone when the supervolcano brewing under Yellowstone National Park explodes. The world is covered in ash and Alex begins his journey away from his ruined home […]