Exclusive Art for Above All Else, a Virtual Book Event, and How Magic Happens
The down side of a pandemic is…well…everything.
But the only good side is that, when all book events turn virtual, geography doesn’t really matter anymore! And that means I get to do my launch party TOMORROW NIGHT, 7:00 PM EST, with two incredible other Young Adult authors who also happen to be my longtime, long distance, and long-suffering critique partners!
Rachael Allen and Kate Boorman both write extraordinary books for teens, with subjects that range from alternate history to stealth feminist hijinks. We met as unpublished authors a decade ago, and have laughed, cried, ranted, and written together ever since.

To my total joy they will join me talking terrible first drafts, the writing process, and the path to Above All Else, and I hope you will join us too! We’re hosted by the amazing independent bookstore An Unlikely Story, and you can sign up here!
Now, about that exclusive artwork…
In case you don’t know, authors of traditionally published books don’t usually get much choice in their cover design. We are asked our opinions, but ultimately the marketing and sales teams decide what will make the book stand out.
But while authors don’t get to choose their covers, I love mine. And the cover to Above All Else is absolutely jaw-droppingly gorgeous. I love it so much that I can’t quite believe how perfect it is.

When I was planning to make some exclusive swag for the preorder I figured I would do something with the cover art. But then I saw hiker-artist Alina Druf’s Instagram page, and, on a whim, sent her a note.
Alina takes images and fills them with elements of a hike or journey, bringing a swirl of magic into the memory of a place. Or, in the case of Above All Else, into an imagined story.

As a traveler and hiker and passionate nature lover herself, Alina totally got what I wanted to do with Above All Else. I wrote her lists of elements that I thought should be included, trying to capture the essence of the book in a few short notes. She sent me a sketch, and then she sent me the finished piece.
And I was dazzled.

The painting is mine (all mine!!) But I had these incredible laptop/water-bottle/whatever-you-want durable stickers made, and they are so beautiful! I can’t wait to send them out to all who preordered Above All Else, so that the magic can spread.

So go ahead and order Above All Else from Jabberwocky Books! While the book comes out tomorrow, ending the chance to officially “preorder,” I will continue to include stickers in books ordered there until I run out!
Because everyone deserves a little magic.

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