Gratitude is a slippery thing; very hard to keep a grip on. One moment I am deeply grateful for how lovely my life is. The next I’m swearing a blue streak at the idiotic computer that won’t load. With a number of personal and family highs and lows I decided that I need to spend […]


(source) This is not a subtle blog post. Nor is it about literature. Or my kids. Or publishing. It’s about a basic right that people all over the world fight for, are tortured for, are willing to die for. It’s a right that, in this country, over half the population DOESN’T BOTHER TO DO. That’s […]


It’s been a glorious summer. Truly wonderful. Small Daughter and Large Son are at an incredible age where they relish their independence but also enjoy time with us, the parental units. They can keep up in the big waves, and on the big trails. We had a blast. It looked a lot like this: And […]


While this is, ultimately a advertisement, the message is quite wonderful. Happy Thursday, and enjoy the beautiful day. And choose your words carefully – they can make all the difference!


For everyone who doesn’t know that a cobra escaped the Bronx Zoo, not to worry.  You can now follow him on Twitter. Bwahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha! Bronx Zoo’s Cobra (BronxZoosCobra) on Twitter. And then there’s the zookeeper:!/BronxZookeeper   This is just one of many reasons I love New York.


Those of us who had to study Robert Frost (or who grew up reading the fabulous S.E. Hinton’s The Outsiders…”Do it for Johnny!”) know the famous poem that begins, “Nature’s first green is gold.” But lately, in this glorious blaze of fall colors, I’ve been feeling that nature’s last green is truly gold, as well.  […]