The down side of a pandemic is…well…everything. But the only good side is that, when all book events turn virtual, geography doesn’t really matter anymore! And that means I get to do my launch party TOMORROW NIGHT, 7:00 PM EST, with two incredible other Young Adult authors who also happen to be my longtime, long […]


Hello beloveds, I am dusting off the DoSSP (Department of Shameless Self-Promotion) to post the totally fantastic cover of my next book, IT WASN’T ME! This book doesn’t come out until November, but you can enter to win an advance copy and then brag to your friends that you got to read it first. Or […]


Hi friends! A reminder that the #PubforPR auction is LIVE. And because I am enraged over where we are as a country, I will match the winning bid on my items with a donation to Everytown for Gun Safety.(And SuperAgent Marietta Zacker will join me in matching the donation on our combined item!) There are […]


It’s that exciting and sometimes slightly nausea-inducing moment when I realize that something that I made up while sitting alone in my office in cat-hair-covered yoga pants is actually going to go out into the world with my name on it! Coming to bookstores, libraries, and bookshelves near you (I hope) is my newest book […]


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